Clean both sides of the shield with soap and warm water after each use.
To avoid creating surface scratches, submerge the face shield in warm water to dislodge particulate matter. Adding a mild liquid dish, reduces surface tension, and allows the soapy water to evenly disperse across the surface.
You can sanitize and reuse your face shield. It has been evaluated to be compatible with the following chemicals (Avoid mixing chemicals)
70% Ethanol
70% Isopropyl Alcohol
6% Bleach (May leave a residue on the face shield)
3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Sanitizer can be applied with a paper towel, a soft cloth, or sponge to gently clean the shield.
Surface disinfectant wipe or spray can leave a visible residue.
Aggressive cleaning agents are not recommended.
If you are worried that a specific cleaner or disinfectant might damage your face shield it is easy to run a compatibility test. Apply a small amount of the product in an inconspicuous place on the shield, such as the edge. To avoid an oops moment, make sure the test area is out of your line of sight.